Word of the Day: Oligarchy
In America, we learn early in school about the great work accomplished by our Founding Fathers - the work of carving out a democracy in America. In the 18th century, we broke away from the British monarchy and forged a new country in an unspoiled, nearly empty continent. A few forward thinking and brave men created a vibrant democracy, where liberty and the pursuit of happiness were guaranteed by the one (white) man/one vote principle (which evolved over the years to add minorities and women to the roster of the enfranchised.) Now, in the 21st century, it is being suggested that vibrant the democracy we read about in our schoolbooks has been overturned by an oligarchy. One of the definitions the Merriam Webster dictionary offers for oligarchy is "a government in which a small group exercises control for selfish or corrupt reasons." The May issue of The Atlantic carries a story called "The Coup" by Simon Johnson that defines our government in such terms. Si...