The death sentence for Bernie Madoff...
71-year-old Bernie Madoff was just sentenced to 150 years in prison. For all of us, a sentence like that is a death sentence. He will not, of course, be put to death by the state, but if all goes to plan, if he is not paroled in an inexcusably short period - say like in 18 months - or five years or - in a decade - he will die in prison. Madoff had been stealing money from people for more than two decades. Only instead of robbing banks, in the public and flamboyant way of a Dillinger, Madoff worked his criminality in secret. He stole billions by offering the lure of easy money to his investors. The great dream of America. Money for next to nothing. He was an equal-opportunity rip-off artist, stealing from millionaires and the middle class and also from Holocaust victims. His investment advice ruined many couples who dreamed of an easy retirement. For some of the investors who believed Madoff's promises, their retirement now consists of working multiple jobs, livi...