
Showing posts from May, 2010

The computer did it!

Innovation in the financial sector is once again turning Wall Street into the biggest roller coaster in America. It was a "glitch," apparently, that sent the markets down a very steep trajectory yesterday. According to the NY Times article on the crash, at least half of all trading is done via these "high frequency" trades. A computer is programed to do the buying and selling that once were the sole domain of the trader. "'We have a market that responds in milliseconds, but the humans monitoring respond in minutes, and unfortunately billions of dollars of damage can occur in the meantime,' said James Angel, a professor of finance at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University"(as quoted in the NY Times .) I love computers as much as anyone. But innovation coming out of the financial sector is a little scary these days. From the Times story: "The near-instantaneous swings left brokers dumbfounded." Traders weren...

A loss so big, it seems "synthetic"

Anyone remember the big Soviet demonstrations of military might on May Day? It used to be that every year on May 1st, the Soviets would unveil the power of all their many weapons by parading samples of them down some expansive street in Moscow. Grim soldiers would walk in precise steps past the aged members of the Politburo. It was indeed an impressive display of strength, impressive enough to foster "the arms race." Moscow's May Day is, of course, ancient history, taking place back when our only enemy, it seemed, was communism. Today, we face various dangerous enemies on many fronts. And in a story with a May 1st dateline, the Wall Street Journal gives us a glimpse into a mighty enemy that today threatens the United States. You can find the description of this enemy in the story they call "Number of the Week." This is one of the enemies we face today: "$132 billion." That's the dollar amount of the total losses generated by synthetic mezz...