The Chi-rish are about to let loose.

It's St. Patty's weekend in Chicago.

Which means the Metra today let us know that there would be no glass objects or alcohol allowed on the trains this weekend.

Yes, we love our St. Patty's day in Chicago - it's our way to let loose during Lent. Unlike New Orleans, we still feel compelled to party hard during the time of abstinence. We dye the river a bright, unnatural green. And we all add an O' or a Mac after our name, no matter where our ancestors came from.

Everyone is Irish on St. Patty's Day! At least in Chicago. Not sure what it's like elsewhere. I've heard that until recently, St. Patty's day was a day to go to church in Ireland. That was until the Americans flooded the place wondering where the parade was.

I had no idea that booze was allowed on trains on other days! Just thought the people surreptitiously drinking beer out of gigantic cans during non-festive days was their surreptitious way of getting drunk before getting home.

According to a friend, some bars in Chicago will open at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, March 17.

A fab way to celebrate the saint who drove snakes out of Ireland...

(Wonder if Starbucks' numbers diminish in Chicago in March.)


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