The United States of Russia

The last day of February in 2025 was a milestone in the destruction of the United States of America. Trump and Vance invited Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to the White House for a discussion on ending the war in Ukraine. The meeting devolved into a yell-fest from the two Americans. It was extraordinary to witness this exchange and to realize that American has fully sided with Vladimir Putin and authoritarianism. 

Vance – a Midwesterner who came to fame claiming "hillbilly values" ruined his western Ohio steel town, located on the banks of a river, elevation 700 ft., not in the mountains of Appalachia – said in this meeting, "... the path to prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden, of thumping his chest and pretending that the president of the United States' words mattered more than the president of the United States' action."

There was no diplomacy coming from the American president and his trusty "attack dog" (as the NY Times called Vance after his display of peevish rage.) America's leaders invited the beleaguered president of an invaded country and lambasted him for opposing Putin. Vance barely let Zelensky get a word in, and attacked him for not being grateful enough to America, claiming Zelensky has never thanked America for our generosity. There have been multiple times that Zelensky has thanked America in the last three years for its support. 

What we say yesterday in the Oval Office were the words and actions of a president of the United States who has fully aligned with Putin. What we saw yesterday was the vice president of the United States, a Yale Law alumnus attacking and lying about the Ukraine president in front of a media circus. 

It was a terrible moment in world history, the day that the United States openly pivoted to support the corrupt authoritarian goals of Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, an enemy until now of the United States. Timothy Snyder, an expert on authoritarianism, analyzes five failures of the American leaders in this meeting:

1) Failure of hospitality – America invited a democratically elected leader into the Oval Office and "by yelling and interrupting, we were inhospitable today." 

2) Failure of decency – Zelensky represents a country invaded by Putin. "One can have different opinions about how to bring this war to an end, and that's normal. What's not normal, what's indecent, is to yell at a Ukrainian, including the president, about your opinion. To yell at them that they are wrong, when they've experienced that you have not... that's a failure of decency."

3) Failure of democracy – Zelensky is a democratically elected president, supported by his voters. In the Oval Office, Zelensky is not standing alone, "...he's also representing people. People who have to stand up stand for things, people who've had stood up for things. As a democratically elected president, he has to show a certain dignity..." 

4) Failure of strategy – "What we witnessed today, all too clearly, was the beginnings of an American alliance with Russia. And this is something which is very hard to understand in any kind of strategic calculation." Russia is our enemy. They are not our friend. And it is inexplicable to see America toss aside our European allies for an alliance with a nation that will provide no gain for us in any way. 

5) Failure of independence – What Trump and Vance said in that meeting has been expressed before - by Russian leaders. We are reduced to parroting Putin's talking points in a pretense of diplomacy. "There was nothing said in that encounter which hadn't been said by Russians before." 

We, all of us who watched Trump and Vance indecently attack a democratically elected leader of a nation invaded by Russia, saw the end of an era, the end of America's independence from Russia, the end of America as a supporter of democratic values. 

We are in a terrible place as a nation. I don't know where we will go from here, but I know that millions of Americans will support Trump no matter what he says or does, and that is terrifying. We are 1933 Germany, and the Nazis are gaining power and control with the complicit support of oligarchs, business leaders and too many regular Americans. 


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