BS...AKA the Burris/Blago Style

My senator, Roland Burris, is speaking up on an issue top-of-mind these days - his integrity.

It seems that people have questioned his integrity following his acceptance of disgraced Governor Blagojevich's senate appointment.

They're beginning to wonder just how Mr. Squeaky Clean gained the attention of the poetry-spouting scam artist formerly known as the governor of Illinois.

Apparently, there is a "major omission from his testimony...that appeared to contradict statements he made to a state House committee investigating former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's impeachment," says an AP article in today's Washington Post.

Blagojevich's brother allegedly had asked Burris to host a fundraiser prior to becoming Senator, a fact Burris failed to mention in any hearings into the matter.

Interesting - but not surprising - that a man seeking to sell the senate seat also sought to ask Burris to raise some $$s for him.

The Chicago Tribune characterizes Burris' testimony surrounding this issue as "evolving."


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